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Our Apps

At 7am Solutions, we build apps for everyone.  We do not specialize in any particular category or genre as we believe there is no idea too big or too small.  See below for information about all of the apps we have developed or are currently working on.

Counter Plus+ is the most advanced counter app available. Do you need to categorize your counters or would you like to have the ability to create sub counters?  How about seeing detailed history and advanced statistics for counters and entire categories?  If so, Counter Plus+ is the app for you!

Your time is valuable.  Don't waste it scrolling through detailed weather forecasts trying to figure out what outfit you should wear for the day, evening, night, or any time frame you decide!  


Weather Wear takes the guesswork out of your fashion choices by analyzing the forecast and providing suggestions.  As you swap and add missing items, Weather Wear learns your preferences and gets more accurate.

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